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Hardy Financial

No one left behind!  Everyone deserves to know how money works!  Educating people on powerful financial concepts and teaching financial literacy is the crusade we are on!  Our goal is to show freelancers and non-union film/tv crew how to achieve financial freedom!  The time is now!


​How We Can Help

We help you safeguard you and your family's financial future with customized solutions based on your personal goals.  


After understanding where you are and where you want to head, we implement the solution(s)  and begin the journey down the right path to financial success!


Time is our best asset when it comes to making your money work for you!  Plant the seed today!  Reap the rewards tomorrow!

Who We Are

Who We Are

Current non-union film/tv assistant director, who knows what it's like to jump from project to project month after month. Like you, I have zero interest in leaving the freelance world nor do I plan to make my way into the union.  Though you will find perks like health care, life insurance, financial vehicles, etc. there, you will lose the freedom to make your own schedule. 


So how do you get the best of both worlds?  Maintain your freedom but gain security for when life does its thing?  

​Spend the most important five minutes you've spent in a long time to find out.  

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Join the Team

Are you struggling at work?  Under appreciated?  Not making the kind of money you wish/know you are capable of making?  Feeling stuck?  


When an opportunity comes knocking do you take it or just let it walk by you?  If yes is the answer to any of these, then inquire below for more information and be prepared to change your life for the better!

Family at a Beach

Thanks for submitting!

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